PocketGamer: Board and Mobile Games Convergence

Stephen was recently asked to contribute a series of articles for PocketGamer.biz on behalf of the Best of British initiative. Head on over to the official site to read his first article looking at the mobile and board-games convergence. We’ve reprinted the article below: An odd thing happened during the Best of British Winter game […]
Drop That Candy: Project Development Update

Drop That Candy has recently received a fresh batch of updates. Whilst Stephen has been working on technical and puzzle design, Katie and a lovely gang of freelance designers have been busy crafting the look and sound of the game. Heather “Dinobot” Shephard, an artist who has worked for Sega and on Harry Potter amongst other titles, […]
Greenfly Studios Attends Global Game Jam Stafford

This weekend, Greenfly took part in the (now) annual Global Game Jam event at Staffordshire University, our old haunting grounds when we were fledgling students! We met some great people, learned a lot and created not one, not two but THREE working prototypes in the space of a single weekend! Having attended previous jams (both […]
Johann Sebastian Joust at GameDevNorth

Johann Sebastian Joust is a game about shoving people and having fun and where better to demo it than at our bi-monthly game developer meetup in Liverpool for GameDevNorth 8. With only 48 hours left to go on Kickstarter, I (Stephen) contacted Douglas Wilson (Die Gute Fabrik) to see about drumming up further interest in […]
Best of British Winter Hack: Mind Candy HQ

This weekend, Greenfly took part in the winter themed Best of British hack at Mind Candy HQ, the home of Moshi Monsters. The 48 hour event is a continuation of the previous Best of British Summer Sports app with the focus still on a series of rapid-fire mini-games played against the clock. Unity provided licenses for the […]
Greenfly Studios selected as IGF Judge

The Independent Gaming Festival (IGF) judging is now officially underway and we can officially announce that we are participating as an IGF judge. As the event is dedicated to encouraging and recognising the best independent game developers, this year sees an epic 600 titles have been submitted for review by their peers. Although there are […]